Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Whistleblowers Objections,HR 985 $700Billion Bailout Bill

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Take ActionDemand Whistleblower Protection in the Congressional Bailout Bill!

Congress is about to hand out billions of dollars to bail out the financial industry. To prevent fraud and wasted funds, all employees in the public and private sectors must have whistleblower protection.

Take Action! Tell Congress to protect whistleblowers in the bailout bill!

Thanks to your support, last year strong whistleblower protection legislation was sent to both houses of Congress.Unfortunately Congress and the President have delayed passage of this critical law. They must act now! Congress must attach the Whistleblower Protection Act (HR. 985) and corporate whistleblower protections to the bailout bill.

Take Action! Whistleblowers are essential in protecting Americans from financial fraud!

The attachment of HR 985 and corporate whistleblower protections is crucial because whistleblowers are the only ones who can protect Americans from financial fraud. Our country is currently in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and we need comprehensive whistleblower protections in the bailout bill to ensure that history does not repeat itself again.

Right now, Congress is engaged in final negotiations on the bailout bill. The NWC is joining with many other organizations to press for this legislation. We have to act fast to demand whistleblower protection!

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Subject: Attach HR.985 to the bailout bill
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As your constituent, I urge you to include HR 985 and corporate whistleblower protections as part of the $700 billion bailout bill that is now under consideration by Congress. HR 985, also known as The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2007, provides increased whistleblower protections for federal employees. As Congress considers the best response to our country�s current economic crisis, it is of the upmost importance to prevent the same economic disaster from occuring again. Our current economic crisis, caused in part by secrecy within financial institutions, highlights the need for comprehensive whistleblower protections. The attachment of HR 985 and corporate whistleblower protections to the bailout bill is crucial because whistleblowers are the only ones who can protect Americans from financial fraud. Please do not miss this opportunity to increase government accountability by adding whistleblower protections to the bailout bill.
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