Sunday, March 25, 2007


Thursday, March 1, 2007


Join our National Campaign for Whistleblower Reforms!

*** America Supports Whistleblowers, and we have the numbers to prove it!

Dear Friend, For over twenty years we have been advocating for whistleblower protections. We have always known that employees who expose waste, fraud and corruption need out help – and we have known that that laws protecting those employees were weak or even non-existent. Now, for the FIRST TIME EVER, a major national polling firm has found the overwhelming majority of “likely voters” share our views, and are demanding that Congress enact a strong national whistleblower protection law. The results of this poll were clear: whistleblower protection is at the top of the public’s agenda. It is up to us to make sure it is at the top of Congress’ agenda. This is the time to Take Action! We need your help! In order to mobilize and demonstrate this public support, the National Whistleblower Center has initiated a nation-wide petition drive. Our goal is simple: Get support in every Congressional district, and persuade every Member of Congress to get out in front of this issue, and make sure that a comprehensive whistleblower protection law is passed this year. 1014 “likely voters” were polled between February 14-19, 2007, and 79% of likely voters believe that Congress should “institute a strong whistleblower law to protect government employees from retribution if they report waste or corruption.” Moreover, 41% of “likely voters” believe that whistleblower protection is among the most vital issues facing Congress today, with 41% of those surveyed stating that they would be “much more likely” to support a Congress that enacts strong whistleblower protections. This polling data will significantly strengthen the movement to get Congress to act. For the first time we are in a position to demonstrate that the public stands behind whistleblowers. For the first time we can document – with objective data – that the American people insist that Congress finally enact an effective and comprehensive national whistleblower protection law. Lets build on this momentum! Please sign the petition online by clicking here. Please pass the petition on to other supporters, and link to it from your websites.

Let’s get the job done! Stephen M. Kohn Executive Director, National Whistleblower Center

The survey was conducted by the firm of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, and was commissioned by the group “Democracy Corps.” A copy of the poll is linked here. The whistleblower question is Q. 95, on page 16.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Whistleblower Thanks

One voice can make all the difference!
HISTORIC VICTORY FOR WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION Jane Turner Whistleblower - Google Search House Overwhelmingly Approves Whistleblower Enhancement Act Senate Action Needed to Finish the Job

Washington, DC, March 14, 2007. Today, by a vote of 331 to 94, The House of Representatives passed the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (H.R. 985). The Enhancment Act is the first major reform of federal whistleblower laws in 18 years, and cures numerous weaknesses in existing legislation. The Enhancement Act will:

  • For the first time, provide most federal employees with a right to have their claims heard in federal court;
  • Protect most federal employees who expose waste fraud and corruption through their chain of command;
  • Provide a new remedy for federal contractors who expose fraud on the taxpayers

Stephen Kohn, the President of the National Whistleblower Center, issued the following statement regarding the passage of H.R. 985:

“This is a historic victory for oversight and accountability. For the first time in 18 years, Congress is getting serious about protecting Federal employee-whistleblowers. The House has taken the first step in passing…. It is now up to the Senate to get the job done. We fully expect that at the end of the day that Congress will pass, and the President will sign, effective whistleblower protections; we will accept nothing less."

Dear Friend:

Thank You. The attached press release speaks for itself. In the last few days, hundreds of letters poured into Congressional offices from whistleblower supporters like you, and they truly made a difference. We got a good law approved by the House, but that means that our work is only half done.

We now need to redouble our efforts in the Senate. It is vital that in thweeks to come, we urge Senators to make sure that the final law is truly effective for all Federal employees; for this, we will again be asking for your help and support.

Again, thank you so much for your help now and in the future,

Michael Kohn

Stephen M. Kohn President National Whistleblower Center National Whistleblower Center